Renee Uzzardi Renee Uzzardi

Exploring Italian Coffee Culture: From Espresso to Moka Pot

tep into the quirky world of Italian coffee culture, where espresso is king and a cappuccino after 11 AM is practically a fashion faux pas. Imagine zigzagging through Rome, dodging Vespas, only to be lured by the magnetic pull of a tiny espresso bar. There, you'll find coffee that’s strong enough to wake up a sleeping statue. It's Italy - where coffee is less of a drink and more of a national sport. In a land where the baristas are maestros and your coffee cup is the orchestra, every sip is like a high-five for your taste buds. So, let's dive espresso-first into this caffeinated adventure, where every coffee break is a chance to chat, laugh, and wonder why your coffee at home never tastes quite this good.

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